
A track record of design, experimentation and innovation success for over 10 years.

Birchal utilised Generative AI to transform crowdfunding

The Brief

Open the AFR on any given week and you’ll likely read about the trailblazing team at

Birchal and how this company is dominating the equity crowdfunding landscape, facilitating over $140m capital raised for Aussie businesses in the last 5 years. This platform has not only captured the attention of the financial world as the platform of choice for retail investors but has also set a new standard in leveraging technology. So when they told us they’ve been exploring Generative AI use cases, and they needed support to look at specific opportunity areas, we were thrilled at Naked Ambition. Birchal's interest in Generative AI is more than a mere fascination; it's a strategic move to stay ahead of the curve. By harnessing the power of the tools that can generate new ideas, design, predict and solve, they are positioning themselves to redefine the crowdfunding industry.

The Approach

We worked closely with a small group of project sponsors from Birchal’s leadership team including CEO Matt Vitale, Chief Legal Officer Kellie Morton and Carley Grelie from Operations, narrow down to three initial high-value opportunity areas - Campaigns, Operations and Data Analysis. We determined what would have the most impact on the organisation and SME’s to opportunity areas.

A wider group of leaders from within Birchal then participated in our Generative AI series, learning about prompting for LLM’s, image generation, data analysis and basic coding with consumer and enterprise-facing tools. They then explored how to integrate these techniques into their daily workflow - by determining what they want to delegate to AI (and what they would never delegate to AI!)

The Results

“For us, understanding, adopting and adapting Generative AI at Birchal is not about chasing trends or making headlines. It's about a shared understanding of the potential that this tech holds and a mutual commitment to harnessing the value in ways that can truly transform the crowdfunding industry.

This initiative is about our team. Providing them with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to think beyond the conventional. It's about fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation that aligns with our mission to support and empower entrepreneurialism.

To do this, we are always on the lookout for partners who share our vision and commitment to excellence. So we were thrilled to recently work with Naked Ambition on a collaboration that allows us to delve into specific opportunity areas where Generative AI can enhance our platform + teams’ responsiveness to the needs of the companies we support.

They literally blew our minds. This, changes, everything... Their team's knowledge and practical experience have not only guided us through the complexities of Generative AI but also inspired us to think beyond the conventional.”
— Matt Vitale, CEO Birchal.

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